Wednesday, September 21, 2016

New Beginnings!

I'm officially retired... for the first time and maybe the last.  Due to changes at my workplace and losing my benefits, I've made the choice to move on.  I thought I'd be working until the 30th of September (2016) but that took a sudden change yesterday.  My boss suggested I accept her offer of two weeks of sick leave.  I worked the rest of the day while I packed my box and I walked out with a final paycheck yesterday at 4:35 PM.  I left behind 25 years of memories.

I've been unloading my box today as well as a couple of boxes from a coworker who walked away a month or two back.  She gifted me some craft stuff that I simply hadn't gotten around to unloading until today.  

And now I figure out where I'm heading next.  It's on my list to change the picture in the header, I certainly don't look like that anymore!

To be continued...