Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Inro at 8:30

Here's the inro so far. The inro portrait was done on the Super Sculpey 10 part to Premo white 1 part. I decided to go with a bit of cream color instead of a light base to get more of a sepia look. The flowers and leaves are from a Sweetbrier mold. It's a 'special' one that every student in Penni Jo's class at the Orlando Fandango received in the class packet.

The portrait slides out of the bottom half of the framework when the top is opened. I haven't quite decided yet how to 'do' the necklace cord, although it will be attached to the sides of the inro.

My wanderings today included a trip to the Dentist to double check the crown I got a couple of weeks ago. Everything met with her approval. I don't have to go back until July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely cameo and how precious that it is of your mother. The cameo is 'just right' for the inro. I can't wait to see it finished.
Penni Jo